Our Assemblies

Every fortnight one of our classes host our school assembly for our whole school and our whanau. This is a special time where our ākonga get to share their learning and we celebrate our values and the achievement of our ākonga with certificates. The last assembly of each term is our Principals Assembly, which is an extra special assembly where our Principal presents a "Principals Award" and a "Student Choice Award" to two children in each class.

Our Whanau Kotahi

Every student at Grovetown School belongs to a whanau group. We have four Whanau Kotahi groups. These are named after four native trees growing in our local whenua: 

  Kowhai, Matai  ,Pohutukawa, Ka Hikitia.  

All members of our staff also belong to our Whanau Kotahi groups. 

Whanau Kotahi at Grovetown School provides an opportunity for our students and staff to:

•    Encourage a supportive whanau environment in our kura.

•    Encourage tuakana teina relationships.

•    Develop leadership opportunities for our older students.

•    Develop unity and common interests between all members of our kura.

Our Kapa Haka

All of our ākonga are part of our Kapa Haka. We gather together weekly to sing waiata and perform for our whanau as often as we can. We also perform at the annual Taiopenga Festival in Blenheim.