Our uara values have been developed in collaboration with our tamariki and our whanau. The symbols for our values were collaboratively created by talent teaching staff during 2021.
Our uara values underpin all learning in our kura and are embedded within our local curriculum.
Our Uara Values Awards
The adults in our school will give a values award to akonga who are showing our school values in class and in the playground. Ākonga can earn as many awards as they can.
The adult will write the ākonga name on the values award and circle which part of the values they were showing. Ākonga get to take one half of the award home to share with their whanau and put the other half of the award into a kete in the office.
At our Whole School Assembly one values award will be drawn from the kete. The ākonga whose name is on the award will be celebrated and have their photo taken with our school values rock. They will also get to keep the values rock in their class until the next whole school assembly.
At the next whole School assembly the ākonga whose name was drawn from the kete will draw out the next ticket out of the kete.
Our Uara Pūrākau
We use the Pūrākau gifted from within Ngā Kawatau me ngā Tūmanakotanga o Te Tauihu to support learning within our uara values.
Māui me Tama nui te rā
Te Ika a Māui
Māui tikitiki a Taranga
Māui and Mahuika
We acknowledge that these precious pūrākau can support learning within all of our uara values and throughout the curriculum