School Documents
School Newsletter and SeeSaw
At Grovetown School our main ways of communicating and informing our community are through our School Newsletter and the SeeSaw app. We also encourage parents and caregivers to talk regularly with your child's classroom teacher.
SeeSaw App at Grovetown School Booklet.
Strategic Plan
Policies and Procedures
Most of our school's policies and procedures are stored on our SchoolDocs web page. To access our SchoolDocs web page:
Go to
Click Search for your school.
Start typing Grovetown School, and select it from the dropdown list.
Enter our community username: grovetown
Enter our community password: lagoon
Enrolment and Zone Information
ERO Report
Annual Report
2023 Grovetown School Annual Accounts.pdf
At Grovetown School we use an App called StaffSync to book all of our relieving teachers. If you are a teacher and would like to be considered for relieving work at Grovetown School please see our StaffSync instructions link (below) or contact the school office.